Tuesday, June 2, 2009


So it looks like i know have a life plan that extends farther then tomorrow. I´m trying to get a rough draft of what Patrick ( friend from Red Deer who´s coming to meet me) and I will do. I´m guessing we won´t ahve too mjuch planned out just a couple things we wanna get done. I think we´ll stay around the highlands for a bit and do some hiking, maybe to the highest mountaion in C.A. and to many others where yu can watch the lava flow. After that, maye head down to the coast and get our burn on and maybe pick up surfing for a couple days. That´s about as far as I want to think ahead. Maybe head towards the East coast after that and maybe Belice and Honduras.

Im finishing up my last week of school, and feel like I´m raedy for it to be over. I saw this trip as a chance to relax from school, but i chose to ignore the fact that i chose to go to a school for this chance to relax. Not exactly what i hpèd for, but it was an awesome experience to say the least.

This weekend i took it pretty easy ebcause i wasn´t feeling 100%, but then again, eating in a plce liek this, you can´`t expect much less. Me and my host family went to a local hot springs for around 75 cents each. We got acess to 3 ssoccer feilds, a small zoo, a large steaming pool and several small cooler pools for the day. Let´s say i stuck out like a sore thumb. Out of the 200 or 300 peoeple there, me and Hong(host sister from chinA) were the only non-guatemaleans... and we can agree, that she might not stick out as well as i did. But we had an awesome day and bbqéd our lunch there and went swimming.

Don´t have much else to talk about at the moment but i´ll put some pictures up... most of which i hope you can figure out the story behind wihtout explaination

1 comment:

  1. I've been to that zoo, they have ducks and deer there right? lol
