Tuesday, June 16, 2009


So we took the hike up to Pacaya Volcano, there was a thunder storm but it wasn't so bad but it was real foggy up there. When we got there, we saw big rocks whcih were red hot tumbling down the mountain. This rocks wound up quite close to us, and if you touched almost any rock in the area, it was quite hot. Then we walked over all this black ropck, which felt hollow and therefor very sketchy. In between these rocks, you could see the red hot lava, but not too much of it flowing. Then we hiked a little higher and got to come real close to the flowing lave. WOW it was hot.. the bottom of our shoes were becoming real hot and you could smell the plastic of your jacket starting to melt. It was too hot to stay around for too long becasue it felt like our leg hair was actually burning off. So after running off for a bit to cool down, we came back adn enojyed some marshmellows which were cooked overtop of the lava.
One really weird thing there was the sound lava makes, its like a mix between glass bottles hitting eachother and popcorn popping. The hike down proved to be slightly more challenging because it was as the sun was going down adn by the time we reached the bottom, it was pitch black... a perfect recipe for rolling your ankle. Another thing was the kids of the town, as soon as you got out of the van, they would absolutely rush and surround you, trying to sell you walking sticks, ponchos, and marshmellows... i mean these kids were pretty vicous, knocking eachoter around to get infront of you. And when you get back, they all try to steal the sticks back from you.
All in all it was an awesome experiecne, and today PAt and i are headed off to San Pedro on lago Atitlan for a couple days where well do soe swiiming relax and maybe csome more climbing.
THats it for now

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