Friday, May 29, 2009

A little bit of everything

Since i got back from my trip to lago atitlan, i haven´t been up to too much... hanging around Xela and trying to bear down on some homework. although i did manage to gather a couple stories from this week.
Before i forget, there was a earthquake in Honduras the other night, which sent quite the shock through Guatemala... or so i hear. I managed to sleep right through it and the next morning I had no idea what my host family mom was talking about when she said everything was shaking and some things were falling off the shelves last night. Then she explained that she heard on the radio about the earthquake.. Although I´m not exactly a earthquake hunter, i wouldn´t have minded waking up just to have a little more of an idea of what everyone was tlaking about. There was a small one whcih i did feel a couple weeks ago.. but i was told that wasn´t much in comparison... picturing myself shaking while sleeping did make me chuckle a bit.

Something a little more intresting, i went to another soccer game last night. This was completly different then the one I went to earlier here. This was the quater finals and the stadium was packed. It has a capacity of around 13000 but most people told me they usually sell around 20000 tickets for a game like thsi.. guess we just squished in. But these fans blew me away once again.. It was just as fun to be part of the crowd as to watch the game. You get frisked before you go in, but these fnas manage to bring in tons of fireworks for the start of the game, we couldn´t even see the other side of the feild for a bit because of allthe smoke from the fireworks... which are set off during the game. We sat in one of the crazier fan zones known as*the curveof the devil* because the fans. I mean people brough enough instrum,ents for a full band and the chants were nonstop from half an hour before the game and half an hour after the game.,. onlys stopping at half time. The chants themselves, i could write a story on. After learning some more street slang since the last game i understood the chants a little better. I couldn´t imagine a single person saying something this profane at a sporting event in US or Canada, but these fans are just booming with them in unison. Men, woman, teenagers and even some younger ones are all yelling for their lives. Xela ended up winning 3-1, but scoriong the last two goals with ten minutes to go... the fans went nut, jumping onto and climbing the fence to sit on the top and wave their shirts around or shoot roman candles(fireworks) from their hands. Most of the arean has a fence with barb wire seperating the feild and the seats, but the fans cut off the barb wire hereso they could go ontop of teh fence. At the end of the game, the fans stayed to chant for a good half an hour and we watched the oposing team´s fans and Xela´s verbally tear eachother apart. They were seperated by a little gap and alot of fencing, as their not aloud to sit with the oposing teams fans, nor is alcohol allowed here.

Short story is that futball is crazy here, I got to see first hand a faked injuried(in which they will og as far as to get carried off by a strecher, then back five minuteslater) and they just make one big party out the game. I am also now a proud owner of a Xela jersey, which i hope will get tp use in th esemi and the final finals.

Don´t have much else planned for my near future. Ill probably hit the books real hard for another week then take off to travel when my friend Pat gets here, allaroudn Guatemala,. and maybe Belize and Honduras.. but who knows.

And for everyone dying to knwo how fat i´ve gotten on this trip, sorry to disapoint you, but i don´t think my meal portions would allow for it even if i made an effort. But for exercising, i have a little 12x18 foot cement courtyard with a couple chairs for dips and a skiping rope for equipement. So with a little food and skipping rope, hopefully ill be able to keep the fat off for now.

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