Saturday, May 9, 2009

High Class Living

Alright im back a little ealier then expected

I was suppose to be sleeping right now because i was planning on talking a fullmoon hike Santa Maria last night from 12 to around 4 this morning, wait around for the sunrise and be back in town for 10thismornin. But the rain was so bad last night the bus wouldn´t take us up to where the hike started. The company that we went through also wasn´t going to give us most of our money back but after a brief conversation and one of the guys that we were hiking had a stern conversation with the owner, we ended up getting all our money back.... 100 questzals, which is only around twelve dollars.

So yesterday morning i walked around Xela for a couple of hours.. check out some bookstores, markets and make some ´purchases´. I had a breif scare when I found out my debit card wasn´t working at any of the machines and I was almost out of money. I ran around town trying all the machines to no avail. Finally I got back and a girl that´s going to the same school suggested one last one and it worked!!

Anyways i had a nice long lesson last night then everyone at the school had a little graduation party for those who are leaving the school, which just entails a small speach then everyone hangs out and brings a couple bevys(beverages). Most people went out to the bar after but my and the others who were planning on goign on the hike tried to get some rest before we were hopefully going hiking.

So this morning I woke to what i honestely thought was bombs being dropped all over the city. Sorry to dissapoint you, but this was not the case. The little bottle of contact solution i had was wobbeling all over the place it was so loud. The school right next to my families house has band practice on saturday mornings, as do all the schools in Xela. So I decided to get up and enjoyed eggs and frijoles for breakfeast, as i did last night for supper as well. This monring i moved to a hostel a little further from the school, but with many backpackers staying there. After getting all my stuff moved over, i hurried to the school, where I meet up with some others and we went for a hike up to Los Vahos, a small mountain that overlooks Xela with natural hot springs at the top.
We refrained from the hot tubs, as their level of cleanliness would disgust most people back home, as would the garbage all over this city/country. Ill post some pictures later if i can figure it out.

Although i have not been hit by a car yet, im not getting my hopes too high, as walking along the practically inexistant sidewalks is quite dangerous. Tonight a bunch of us are meeting up for some drinks then going to a soccer game... I´m hoping for some really intense fans, but not sure what to expect... although i was told not to wear certain colors.

Tomorrow, if I can wake up early enough, i´m planning on catching a chicken bus ( those who´ve been to central america should be familar with the term... try looking it up on google for somepictures... itç´s an old school bus with as much people/stuff/animals crammed into it as possible with a sick paintjob) to hike a Volcana which has a lake in it´s crater ( David, i don´t wanna hear it haha) then hike down after spending some time there.

Now a little bit about the rain, because it is the rainy season here. I haven´t been ghere too long, but içve found out that rain is something you should plan for, and expect. This rain doesn´t hold back, huge rainstorms with lots of thunder, but nothiung a good umbrella and a good rainjacket(which i need) can´t fix.

Other then that, everythings been pretty cheap with quite nice people.. the only thing is nightime is still quite dangerous, but as long as your in a semi large group, your usually ok.

Thatçs about it for now, if you have any questions, let me know.

PS I got a big bag of ms vickees chips when i left canada, and although they have a real large dent in them, they are NOT finished yet... if anyone knows how much i like chips, they should realize how much of a feat that is... If thats notwill power, then i don´t know what is.


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